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Friday, July 15, 2011

Sample Questions On Paper 3

This is the question paper from SPM 2009 paper 3. Below are the format of Paper 3 and also the type of questions that may be asked in the exam.
So you have to know the format first. And try to do more exercise for Paper 3 to command the skills on answering the paper 3 questions.

2009 SPM Physics P3

Physics Chapter 3 Notes Form 4

Chapter 3 Forces & Pressure Student Copy

Sumbangan Tamadun Indus SPM

F1 Perancangan Bandar

H1a. Keupayaan untuk mewujudkan sebuah bandar terancang seperti Mohenjo-Daro dan Harappa bukanlah perkara yang mudah, sebaliknya memerlukan gabungan kepakaran sama ada dari sudut letak bandarnya mahupun dari sudut pengisiannya.
H1b. Oleh yang demikian, pemahaman tentang ilmu geometri, kesenian, dan matematik sangat diperlukan. Kemampuan masyarakat Lembah Indus mencapai kecemerlangan dalam perancangan bandar berkait rapat dengan kemajuan dalam bidang geometri dan pembinaan.
H1c. Pemahaman geometri hasil daripada pertembungan tamadun ini dengan tamadun Mesopotamia dan Mesir Purba telah membolehkan perancangan bandar disusun berasaskan bentuk segi empat yang diikuti oleh jalan raya yang lurus.
H1d. Di samping itu, masyarakat Lembah Indus telah berusaha meningkatkan mutu bahan binaan. Hal ini telah berjaya dilaksanakan apabila masyarakat Indus tidak hanya bergantung pada panas matahari untuk membuat batu bata daripada tanah liat.
H1e. Sebaliknya, batu bata itu. dihasilkan melalui pembakaran dengan suhu yang tinggi.
H1f. Berasaskan perkara ini, kecemerlangan perancangan bandar dalam tamadun Indus, sebenarnya, merupakan gabungan daripada pelbagai pengetahuan dan pencapaian termasuklah geometri dan matematik serta teknologi pembakaran batu bata.

F2 Hubungan luar

H2a. Sifat keterbukaan yang dibuktikan oleh tamadun ini dalam membuat hubungan dengan tamadun lain juga merupakan satu lagi aspek yang sangat penting.
H2b. Dari sudut ini, tamadun Indus memperlihatkan bahawa sesebuah masyarakat itu tidak akan mampu mencapai kecemerlangan tanpa membuat hubungan serta bertukar pandangan dengan pihak lain.
H2c. Hubungan dengan tamadun Mesopotamia serta tamadun Mesir Purba telah membolehkan kedua-dua belah pihak memperoleh manfaatnya sama ada dalam bentuk pertukaran teknologi atau seumpamanya.
H2d. Walau. bagaimanapun, dalam konteks hubungan antara tamadun Indus dengan tamadun Mesopotamia, segala pengaruh dari luar itu disesuaikan dengan keadaan dan suasana tempatan.

F3 Keamanan

H3a. Tamadun Indus telah menunjukkan kepada masyarakat dunia moden hari ini beberapa aspek yang sangat penting dalam proses pembinaan sesebuah tamadun, termasuk keamanan.
H3b. Tamadun Indus mengajar kita bahawa kedamaian dan keamanan ialah tunjang kepada kekuatan sesebuah bangsa untuk mencapai kemajuan dan kecemerlangan.

Sumbangan Tamadun Mesopotamia SPM

F1 Undang-Undang Hammurabi

H1a. Kod undang-undang ini digubal semasa Raja Hammurabi memerintah kerajaan Babylon.
H1b. Undang-undang ini berteraskan hak rakyat terhadap keadilan.
H1c. Mengikut kod ini, hukuman dan denda mestilah setimpal dengan kesalahan tetapi berbeza mengikut susun lapis masyarakat.
H1d. Kod ini mengandungi kira-kira 282 undang-undang yang dipahat pada tembok serta tiang besar, oleh itu rakyat dapat membaca undang-undang tersebut.
H1e. Kod Undang-Undang Hammurabi telah menjadi dasar perundangan dalam tamadun Mesopotamia.
H1f. Undang-undang ini telah berjaya mengelakkan wujudnya permasalahan di kalangan masyarakat pelbagai kaum dan juga di kalangan susun lapis masyarakat ifu sendiri.
H1g. Undang-undang ini telah dapat mewujudkan perpaduan dan mengukuhkan sistem organisasi dalam kehidupan masyarakat tersebut.
H1h. Kod ini juga telah membantu peradaban Mesopotamia bertahan untuk jangka masa yang panjang, iaitu dari tahun 3500 S.M. hingga tahun 539 S.M.

F2 Sistem Tulisan

H2a. Kewujudan sistem tulisan telah membawa kepada sistern pendidikan yang bertujuan untuk melahirkan jurutulis.
H2b. Kehadiran jurutulis ini membolehkan urusan pentadbiran dan perniagaan dicatat supaya dapat direkodkan.
H2c. Dalam perdagangan, kesemua urusan jual belinya disertakan dengan resit, nota, dan surat kredit.
H2d. Di samping itu, sistern tulisan ini juga telah melahirkan tradisi kesusasteraan.
H2e. Antara hasil kesusasteraannya yang terkenal termasuklah epik Gilgamesh yang merupakan hasil kesusasteraan yang tertua di dunia. Epik ini mengandungi falsafah dan cara hidup orang Mesopotamia.

F3 Ilmu Astronomi

H3a. Tamadun Mesopotamia juga menyumbang kepada perkembangan ilmu astronomi.
H3b. Pencerapan terhadap pergerakan bulan, bintang, dan matahari telah membawa kepada perkembangan ilmu matematik seperti sistern mengira perpuluhan, menambah, menolak, mendarab, membahagi, dan punca ganda dua yang kemudiannya membawa kepada perkembangan ilmu geometri.

F4 Kalendar

H4a. Penguasaan dalam bidang astronomi juga telah membolehkan mereka menggunakan jalan laut dan mencipta kalendar yang berasaskan sistern solar yang menganclungi 12 bulan dalam satu tahun.

F5 Ilmu Perubatan

H5a. Perkembangan ilmu perubatan mendapat perhatian khusus semasa pemerintahan kerajaan Assyria kerana kerajaan ini begitu mementingkan kesihatan anggota tenteranya.
H5b. Sebanyak 500 jenis ubat-ubatan termasuk herba dan ramuan perubatan telah dikatalogkan dan disampelkan penggunaannya.
H5c. Cara mengubat penyakit dengan menggunakan ubat-ubatan juga telah dicatatkan sebagai panduan kepada pengamal perubatan.

F6 Penciptaan Roda

H6a. Roda digunakan dalam menghasilkan kereta kuda sama ada untuk tujuan peperangan atau kegunaan pada masa aman.
H6b. Penciptaan roda membolehkan orang Mesopotamia mencipta kincir air untuk mengalirkan air ke kawasan tandus dan meningkatkan hasil pertanian di samping mengawal banjir.

F7 Pengangkutan

H7a. Tamadun Mesopotamia juga telah menyumbangkan ciptaan alat pengangkutan yang terawal kepada dunia.
H7b. Orang Sumeria telah menggunakan kapal layar serta pangangkutan beroda sejak tahun 3000 S.M..
H7c. Oleh itu, mereka mampu menguasai jalan darat serta jalan laut sehingga mereka dapat berhubung dengan wilayah di India serta wilayah di kawasan Laut Mediterranean.

F8 Batu Bata

H8a. Tamadun Mesopotamia memperkenalkan kepada dunia cara membuat batu bata daripada tanah hat.
H8b. Dalam seni bina, mereka telah mencipta arca dan tiang batu. Contoh arca tersebut ialah patung Raja Gudea. Arca dan tiang batu dapat dilihat dalam seni bina zigurat.

F9 Pembentukan Empayar

H9a. Kepimpinan berwibawa Raja Sargon telah berjaya mewujudkan kerajaan Akkad, iaitu empayar pertama di dunia.
H9b. Ini adalah kerana Raja Sargon berjaya menakluk dan menyatukan wilayah-wilayah kerajaan Sumeria di selatan Mesopotamia.
H9c. Beliau merupakan perintis kepada pembentukan sebuah empayar yang kemudiannya menjadi ikutan pemerintah seterusnya seperti Firaun Tutmose III pada zaman Mesir Purba.
F10 Pembentukan Sebuah Masyarakat Yang Lebih Berestetika
H10a. Mesopotamia bukan saja menyumbang kepada pembentukan sebuah sistem pemerintahan tetapi juga pembentukan sebuah masyarakat yang lebih berestetika.

Peranan Kaum Muda Di Tanah Melayu

Nasionalisme di Tanah Melayu bermula awal kurun ke 20. Pada peringkat awal gerakan ini dipelopori oleh golongan berpendidikan agama/ Arab. Mereka menyebarkan idea reformasi dari Timur Tengah ke Tanah Melayu.

(a) Golongan ini dikenali sebagai Kaum Muda
i. Tokoh utama ialah Syed Sheikh Al- Hadi, Sheikh Muhammad Tahir Jalaluddin, Haji Abbas Muhammad Taha.Mendapat pendidikan di Timur Tengah. Menjadi pelopor kepada gerakan pemulihan Islam iaitu pengamalan ajaran Islam sebenar.

(b) Matlamat perjuangan
i. Meningkatkan kemajuan orang Melayu yang beragama Islam
- menuntut ilmu pengetahuan keduniaan dan akhirat ( contoh )
- menceburi bidang perniagaan walau pun secara kecil-kecilan kerana Islam menggalakkan perniagaan.
- taraf ekonomi orang Melayu dapat ditingkatkan.

ii Menyeru orang Melayu supaya kembali kepada ajaran Islam sebenar.
- menentang ajaran kurafat dan bidaah yang menyeleweng daripada ajaran dan 
akidah Islam sebenar.
- meninggalkan amalan taklid buta
- mengikuti apa yang terkandung dalam al-quran dan hadis.

iii. Emansipasi wanita
- meningkatkan taraf wanita
- wanita perlu menuntut ilmu untuk memajukan diri sendiri
- tinggalkan amalan tradisi ( golongan wanita hanya duduk di dapur )
- membebaskan diri dan negara daripada penjajahan
- bersatu memajukan diri supaya dapat menentang penjajah.

Kaedah perjuangan
i. Secara langsung 
- melalui media seperti majalah dan surat khabar cth Al-Iman, Neracha, Idaran Zaman, Saudara.
- melalui cerpen dan novel spt Hikayat Faridah Hanum, Hikayat Nurul Ain.

ii. Secara Tidak Langsung
- melalui madrasah yang dibina.
- mengajar ilmu dunia dan agama
- idea diterap dalam pengajaran

Tentangan daripada Kaum Tua.

-terdiri darpada ulama konservatif
- memusuhi pembaharuan agama dan idea nasionalisme yang dibawa oleh Kaum 
- percanggahan pendapat hebat dilakukan dalam khutbah-khutbah jumaat, ceramah-
ceramah agama serta disiarkan dalam akhbar dan majalah
- menerbitkan majalah seperti Pengasoh, Lidah Benar dan Panduan.


Memainkan peranan dalam memupuk kesedaran.
Perjuangan tidak menampakkan kejayaan cemerlang
Mendapat tentangan daripada Kaum Tua.

Teknik Menjawab Soalan Sejarah SPM

Teknik Menjawab Soalan

1. Kertas 1 (objektif) – (40 markah)
- 1 soalan – 1 markah
- Masa – 1 jam
- 1 bab – 2/3 soalan
- Cari jawapan salah dulu
- Pilih satu jawapan sahaja
- Buat ulangkaji / latih tubi berdasarkan topik
- Baca dua kali sebelum menjawab
- Urus masa dengan baik

2. Cara menjawab kertas 2

a) Soalan struktur (40 markah)
- Ada 4 soalan – 10 markah 1 soalan
- Masa 30/40 minit
- Ada pecahan i) ii) iii) iv)
- Baca tokoh / peristiwa / ciri-ciri / konsep/ istilah / faktor / kesan
- Meliputi teks T4/T5
- Jawab dalam bentuk ayat

b) Soalan esei
- Baca dan garis perkataan / kunci kata dalam soalan
- Jawab 3 soalan sahaja (60 markah)
- Bentuk ayat ringkas dan padat
- Beri 1 contoh sahaja dalam isimesti ada huraian
- Panjang jawapan berdasarkan markah soalan
- 1 soalan – 20 markah – guna masa 30 minit sahaja
- Merangkumi teks T4 / T5
- Jika 10 markah tulis 5 isi (1 isi - 2 markah)
- Jika 5 markah tulis 3 isi atau 1 perenggan
- 1 isi tulis dalam satu perenggan
- Tiada pengenalan atau penutup
- Tulis isi dan huraian sahaja

c) Cadangan kepada calon / guru mata pelajaran Sejarah
- Beri tumpuan kepada fakta dalam buku teks sebagai rujukan utama
- Memahami konsep Sejarah
- Perbanyakkan latihan / kemukakan banyak soalan setiap bab
- Kuasai teknik menjawab yang tepat
- Buat nota / peta minda
- Buat kumpulan / perbincangan topik

Nota Padat Sejarah Tingkatan 4


Kertas SoalanGerak Gempur Sejarah 2011

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Chemistry form 4 Text Book Answer 4

Quick Review F, pg 77

1.  (a)  iron, nickel, copper, cadmium, tungsten.
     (b)  -  show different oxidation numbers in their ions / compounds
            -  form coloured ions / compounds
            -  act as catalysts

2.  Haber process         -  Iron
     Ostwald process      -  Platinum
     Contact process       -  Vanadium(V) oxide

3.  This is due to the presence of compounds of transition elements in the stones.

Chemistry form 4 Text Book Answer 3

Quick Review E, pg 75

1.  (a)  Magnesium.  It is located on the left of Period 3.
     (b)  When across Period 3,  all the elements exist as solid except chlorine and 
            argon which are gases.

2.  (a)  (i)  sodium oxide, aluminium oxide
            (ii)  aluminium oxide, silicon(IV) oxide, sulphur dioxide

(b)   Sodium oxide is a basic oxide. 
Aluminium oxide is an amphoteric oxide.
Silicon(IV) oxide and sulphur dioxides are acidic oxides.

3.  (a)  Period 2.  They have two shells occupied with electrons.
     (b)  F, C, Li
     (c)  The electronegativity increases from lithium to fluorine. 
This is due to the increasing nuclei attraction on the valence electrons and    
the decrease in atomic size.

Chemistry form 4 Text Book Answer 2

Quick Review D, pg 72

  1. (a)  Element E has a higher melting and boiling points than element D.  This is because the atomic size of E is greater than D, the forces of attraction becomes stronger.  Thus, more heat energy is needed to overcome the forces of attraction.

(b)  2Fe  +  3D2      2FeD3
  1. (a)  They have the same number of valence electrons.

(b)  Iodine is placed below bromine in Group 17. The atomic size of iodine is greater than bromine.  Thus, the outermost occupied shell of iodine becomes further from the nucleus.  Therefore, the strength to attract one electron into the outermost occupied shell becomes weaker.  This causes the reactivity of iodine is less than bromine.
  1. (a)  -    It is black in colour.
-          It exists in solid form.
-          It has low melting and boiling points.

(b)   Yes.  Astatine reacts with hot iron to form a brown solid, iron(III) astatide.

Chemistry form 4 Text Book Answer 1

Quick Review C,Pg 69

English SPM Essay 11


          Every day we meet people. Many of them become instant acquaintance sand most acquaintances bloom into friendship. Often this transition period occurs gradually. Friends come into our lives and go. Few stay a while longer and fewer still leave footprints in our hearts and the sands of time.

         Who is a friend and what are the qualities a friend should possess? The definition of a friend and friendship varies with each individual. For me, a good friend is someone who understands me, accepts me for what I am and at the same time inspires me to do the best. At a personal level, a true friend should not give upon me, should always forgive my mistakes and never judge me by actions as sometimes my actions may be rash and inconsiderate.

          We live in a very competitive world. Most of us are caught up in the rat race of paper chase, mounting work pressure and demanding family commitments take toll on our time and energy. Consequently most of us experience mood swings due to high expectations placed upon us. It is during times like these, when we are burdened with responsibilities and life seems to be an endless uphill struggle, that we seek the comforting words of a friend; a friend who urges you to pick up the pieces and move on. A good friend is always there to lend a helping hand or to lend us a shoulder to cry on. 

          At the same time, a friend should be trustworthy and loyal. When friends trust us with secrets, we should never betray their confidence. No one can confide in someone whom he cannot trust to keep his secrets.

          True friendship is demanding. It requires loyalty, trust, empathy, support and understanding. However, one should never expect such virtue in a friend unless he is willing to offer these virtues in return. In other words, one must be a friend to have a friend.

          It may be impossible to find all these virtues in a single friend. However, should I come across such a friend; I shall treasure our friendship for life. As I reminisce about the good times I have shared with the best of my friends, the words of William Shakespeare keep springing in my ears.

          ‘The friends thou has, and their adoption tired, Grapple them to thy soul with hoops of steel.’

          Yes, friendship that has stood the test of time should be most revered and happy is the man who is blessed with such a friend.

English SPM Essay 10

Raising the Minimum Driving Age

          I strongly and firmly believe that rising the minimum driving age would havedire consequences, and as such believe that rising the driving age must be prevented. Iwould like to discuss with you today why we should keep this tradition of having teenagers be able to obtain their licenses on their 16th birthday.

          The current driving age takes a huge burden off parents who would otherwise beforced to take their kids from place to place. If the people who would like to enact thislegislation had teenagers, I think that they might change their mind. If many of the people were required to haul their kids back and forth to school, sports practice, clubs,appointments, jobs and other activities, I believe they might have a different outlook ifthey themselves had to move their teens around for hours every day. I would also like tobring up the argument of single parents. The opposition have shown no plans on how todeal with single parents. Single parents often already have to do twice the work of aparent in a traditional family, and then to tell a single parent that they must drive theirteen around for two extra years is ridiculous. Rising the driving age would just cause more problems and work for an already overwhelmed single parent.

          The next reason for maintaining the current driving age is that teens need to learn to drive while still under the watchful eye of their parents. Raising the driving age to 18would put many teens in college when they begin to drive. This would also put them in a time where they have no supervision in their lives, and this leads them to experiment with drugs and alcohol. It is a recipe for disaster to make brand new drivers with nosupervision, and then to put them in a time when they are experimenting with drugs is
asking for trouble. Yet “safety” is the first reason why many proponents want to make their idea a law. Yet another reason not to rise the driving age is that it will prevent teens from getting involved in many after school activities such as sports, clubs, and jobs. Not only are the above necessary for many college applications, they also help build character, and self-esteem, which are very necessary at this point in teenagers’ lives.

          I would now like to focus on the argument that safer driving have to do with ageand not experience. This is a ridiculous argument. If this argument were true then whyshould we not raise the driving age to 45. If being older really makes you a better driver,then there is absolutely no reason why we should not raise it to 45 years old. Experiencebehind the wheel and education are what makes people better drivers. Notice that manyinsurance companies give discounts to who have had a driver’s education course. This isbecause they have fewer accidents. This is just one of the many examples that shows drivers get better with experience and education-not from just being older.

          In summary, there is no reason to raise the minimum driving age, but there plentyof reasons not to. Rising the driving age would just cause and undue hardship onfamilies and teens. After reviewing the many above reasons, I beg of you to think how raising the driving will affect parents, teens, and the community and then make you 
decision based on the facts above, and not the raw emotion that opposition will use.


Selective Discharge and the purification of Copper
Molten sodium  chloride only has the presence of two lions, the Sodium and Chloride ions. However, in aqueous solutions, there are ions of the compound (in this case: Sodium and Chloride) and ions of water (Hydrogen and Hydroxide). Therefore in aqueous solutions, there is competition between ions of similar polarity over which would be discharged.  

The rule governing which ion would be discharged is the reactivity series. This is because the more reactive an atom is, the less electronegative it is. As such, it has a lower tendency to gain electrons. In the case of Sodium and Hydrogen ions, since sodium ions  are more reactive than hydrogen ions, the hydrogen ions are discharged instead of the sodium ions. Thus we say hydrogen ions are reduced to form hydrogen atoms. 

Equation: H+ + e- ---> H 
Hydrogen atoms join to form diatomic molecule:
H + H ---> H2
Test for hydrogen gas : Insert a lighted splint above aqueous Sodium Chloride solution near the cathode, lighted splint extinguishes with a "pop" sound. 

Both Chloride and hydroxide ions are attracted to the positively charged anode. However, only the chloride ions are discharged, to produce chlorine atoms, Thus, we say chloride ions are oxidised to form chlorine atoms. 
Equation: Cl- ---> Cl + e-
Chlorine atoms join to form chlorine gas:
Cl + Cl ---> Cl2

Test for Chlorine gas: Chlorine gas turns damp blue litmus paper red then bleaches it. 
In the case of anions, halide ions like chloride, bromide and iodide will be discharged. Sulfate ions are not discharged, hydroxide ions are discharged. However, this only applies to concentrated solutions.
4OH- (aq) -->  O2(g) + 2H2O (l) + 4e-

Test for Oxygen gas: Insert a glowing splint above solution near the anode end. If splint rekindles, oxygen gas is present. 

In dilute solutions, for instance when the concentration is 1.0mol/dm^3, or less, hydroxide ions are discharged except in the cases of copper and silver. This is also known as the concentration effect, another factor affecting the selective discharging of ions during electrolysis. However, concentration only affects the anions and not the cations. 

The kind of electrodes used also affect the selective discharge of ions. In a usual electrolytic cell, inert electrodes like carbon or graphite would be used. However, in other instances, like the electrolysis of Copper (II) Sulfate solution, Copper is used as the electrode.
In Copper(II) Sulfate solution the ions present are Copper(ii) cation, Sulfate anion, Hydrogen cation and Hydroxide anion. 

If we are using inert electrodes, like carbon,  Copper(ii) and hydroxide will be discharged to give Copper metal and Oxygen gas. Hydrogen cation and Sulfate  will be left behind, so the pH of the solution decreases and becomes more acidic as electrolysis progresses, and the intensity of the blue color fades.

If however,  copper strips are used as the electrodes, instead of the Copper(II) ions in the solution being discharged, the copper strip at the anode begins eroding    and the Copper metal is  oxidised to form Copper(II) ions.a
Meanwhile, Copper(II) ions will be travelling to the copper cathode to become Copper metal again. Hence a pink deposit at the anode is observed as newly formed copper metal has a pink appearance. Thus we say copper(II) ions are reduced to form copper metal.

The blue  copper sulfate solution will remain  blue, since the concentration of Copper(II) ions in the solution doesn’t change. Any increase from the erosion of the anode is balanced by the discharge of ions at the cathode.

Therefore, another factor influencing selective discharge of ions is the type of 
electrodes used in the electrolytic cell !

Create a Lemon Battery

Biology- Exercise Chapter 6 Nutrition

Nutrition - Question

Sejarah Nota

InfoGrafik (1)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

English SPM Essay 9


Friends are people whom we turn to when our spirits need a lift. They are always by our side through thick and thin. They stand beside us even when our disposition is not perfectly right and will fight for us if we are oppressed. Therefore, it is clear that friends play a vital role in shaping who we are today. But what qualities exactly do we need to look for in a friend?

A friend should always be caring towards you. He or she should take interest in your problems no matter how big or petty your problem may be. A friend should be able to sit beside you and encourage you to keep your chin up even when everyone else is against you. A friend’s empathy and lovingness will also replenish your worn-out soul and will make you realize how important a friend really is.

Apart from that, a friend should be an honest person. An honest friend will dissipate any worries that he or she is lying towards you. A friend’s honesty will enable you to trust his or she’s opinion when it comes to telling you the truth about yourself. For example, an honest friend will remand you on your declining grades and will ask you to work harder while a dishonest friend will see it with a blind eye. Therefore, an overall improvement in yourself will be noticeable if you have an honest friend.

Moreover, a friend should be generous both emotionally and knowledge wise. A friend who is generous ought to be able to connect with you and provide emotional support. He or she should also be generous when it comes to sharing knowledge. A true friend must be ever-ready to help you when you are inept in certain subjects. A friend can easily guide you towards understanding the subject matter better as he or she is often on the same page as you. The only difference is that you can’t quite grasp the content of the page per se.

Besides that, a friend must also be able to humour you. Humour plays a quintessential role in making your day more lively and enjoyable. Friends who pull your leg and mess about will indefinitely make life seem so much better. As they say, laughter is the best medicine and a little levity on rainy days is always welcomed. 
In conclusion, friends are people we spend most of our time with. Thus, we have to be selective when it comes to choosing our friends.

English SPM Essay 8

Describe an afternoon at the bus station (SPM 97)

It was two o’clock in the afternoon. I was heading towards the bus station with Mohan after Mrs Wong’s extra class. The sun was beating mercilessly on my back and I could feel my sweat trickling down my spine. I have often wished that my mother would allow me to ride a motorcycle to school. She says that I am not ready but we both know that she is terrified that a car would knock me down.

When I reached the bus station, it was nearly empty except for a handful of boys. Mohan and I strode to a bench near the stationmaster’s office. I could feel the tension on my shoulders as the straps of my school bag ate into my shoulder. “Where is the bus?” I sighed to myself. An elderly woman came and asked me where I was going. She started a conversation but gave up after my monosyllable answers. 

Suddenly, someone shouted and I saw a bus swerved into the station. I got up, thankful for the chance to escape from the woman. . It was Mohan’s bus. The group of boys were jostling each other to get into the bus. “Masuk! Masuk!” shouted the conductor but nobody seemed to be moving. The black fumes made me nauseous. All of a sudden, people started appearing from all directions to board their bus. In no time, the passengers were packed like sardines in the bus. It started to move, leaving some unfortunate passengers behind. I waved at Mohan when I noticed him dangling on the steps of the bus. The bus swerved out of the station again. It left another trail of black smoke.

I decided to go to Panjang’s ice stall. The iced sugar cane juice soothed my parched throat as I sipped slowly, all the while keeping an eye on the bus. Then I saw the bus heading towards the station. I paid for my drinks. 

“See you tomorrow,” I waved to Panjang.

Once more, the crowd began to swell near the bus. I noticed that the elderly woman was being shoved around by the boys. She started hitting them with her umbrella. Then, I saw Raja, my classmate at the back of the bus. I hurled my bag through the window and he caught it. By the time I got into the bus, it had already started moving. I got into my seat and told myself that I must really try to convince my mother about the motorcycle again.

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